Fresh hair with STYLE DRY PASTE: Dry paste for a matte texture and oil absorption at the roots. Perfect for hairstyling. Now available on

Style Dry Paste

Create bedhead texture any time of day with N°41 Dry Paste, our matte styling paste with zeolite. It not only absorbs oil, it also adds grip and texture without leaving a white residue behind. Feel free to use it on any type of hair that needs that extra bit of sexy messiness.

Products of interest

CARE Vital Nutrition Shampoo
CARE Vital Nutrition Shampoo
80ml 300ml 1000ml
CHF 9.80
CARE Vital Nutrition Conditioner
CARE Vital Nutrition Conditioner
80ml 250ml 1000ml
CHF 9.80
CARE Color Brillianz Conditioner
CARE Color Brillianz Conditioner
80ml 250ml 1000ml
CHF 9.80
CARE Silver Savior Shampoo
CARE Silver Savior Shampoo
80ml 300ml 1000ml
CHF 9.80
Style Strong Mousse
Style Strong Mousse
CHF 49.00
CARE Color Brillianz Shampoo
CARE Color Brillianz Shampoo
80ml 300ml 1000ml
CHF 9.80
Style Fiber Wax
Style Fiber Wax
CHF 19.50
CARE Satin Oil Mask
CARE Satin Oil Mask
200ml 500ml
CHF 35.90

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